Our inspiration for Xplore North comes from explore itself, we wanted to every visitor to be able to explore the Xplore North booth as freely as possible in the limited physical space available.
the X design provides both participants as well as visitors with benefits of crowd flow, visibility, and access the diversity of the knowledge base and skill set of participants and more importantly optimise their business potential.
The X design bridges the distance between the xplorer (visitor) and the unexplored (participant).It also embellishes and emphasises the Xplore branding.
We have also added movement to Xplore North from a static form to a verb conveying action, subtly portraying call of action - Lets Xplore North together. 


Let's Xplore North together as a central light fixture.

A welcoming and open entrance.

Projection based branding to increase footfalls.

Birds eye view.

Narrating a story around the branding.

The Bar where all stories come to life.

Northern Norway inspired furniture.

Due to Covid-19, ONS 2020 got cancelled. The design was among the 3 finalists.
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